Ariel Ximenes


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Venus Hum CD Packaging


Venus Hum is an electronic pop music group from Nashville, Tennessee, consisting of vocalist Annette Strean and multi-instrumentalists Kip Kubin and Tony Miracle. Their album Big Beautiful Sky was originally released on April 1, 2003. This is a 10 year anniversary release for their beloved album.

The inspiration for the packaging came from the album itself. The experience is meant to resemble looking out of a window at a large sky — passing through the glass, seeing the layers of clouds, feeling your feet in the grass, seeing the endless deep blue expanse. This imagery combines nicely and symbiotically with the funky, poppy feel of their music. This is further visualized by the lines moving from straight to squiggly on the outside see-through sleeve. The final squiggle is the a sound wave. Opening the package provides a tactile and interactive experience that compliments the auditory mastery of the CD itself. The booklet is printed on clear material to catch the eye. The viewer is able to appreciate the artistic quality of the packaging while reading the lyrics. t The titles and lyrics are separated with the lines that appear on the outer cover. There are 13 songs and 13 lines. Each song is assigned a line as it progresses through the booklet.

The booklet is printed on clear material to increase the interacting. The viewer must really look at it to read the lyrics. The viewer will maybe even want to use the booklet like a window and view the text on top of other images to give the messages in Venus Hum’s songs to other things. The titles and lyrics are separated with the lines that appear on the outer cover. There are 13 songs and 13 lines. Each song is assigned a line as it progresses through the booklet.

The color palette for the album selected is blue and orange to create a visual pop that helps embody the energy of the music. The cloud imagery shown on the album is printed to look like it is made of folded watercolor paper with clouds and a blue sky painted on it. The CD is contained under a clear window, to help create the experience of looking through a window at the outside world to appreciate the beauty of the big, beautiful sky. The typography is kept simple to help balance the effort from the clear materials much of it is printed on.

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Venus Hum CD
Venus Hum CD close up
Venus Hum CD inside panels
Venus Hum CD inside panel close up
Venus Hum disc

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