Ariel Ximenes


Here is some of my work. If you are interested in seeing more, please contact me. Health Awareness


These infographics were created to help bring nutritional awareness to people within the U.S. through the website

How Fit Is Your Food is an infographic created around research I conducted at Chapman University. It helps the reader evaluate how fit he or she is and how to take necessary steps to reach a more fit self.

The Food Guide is a redesigned food "pyramid." It is meant to speak to people ages 17-35 and be reminiscent of classic 80's videogame technology and references like Atari™ and Tron™. I took this approach because these influences connect to my target demographic, people starting to feed themselves, and people starting to feed their families.

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Good Micro Infographic
Good Micro Infographic
Good Macro Infographic
Good Macro Infographic

Contact me if you'd like me to create something for you! Get in touch...